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SC Governer's Quality Award Application Information


The South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award recognizes organizations who achieve excellent performance in developing, implementing and deploying a quality management system based on the Baldrige Criteria.


The South Carolina award process is consistent with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award process.  Similarly, it depends upon a trained, volunteer Board of Examiners and Judges who evaluate candidate organizations and recommend award recipients.

We are excited to partner with the Quality Texas Foundation to continue the training. 

New to the Process?

Explorer Assessment


Are you new to the SC Governor's Quality Award journey?  If so, consider first applying for an Explorer Assessment.  This process is less intensive, as the application is half of that required by the SC Governor's Quality Award process.  This is a great way to get your quality journey started. 


Milliken Medal of Quality


The Milliken Medal of Quality Award was established to recognize visionary South Carolina residents, or former residents, who have demonstrated leadership, innovation, and outstanding achievement in the implementation of quality systems in their organizations, and who has been an inspiration for others to follow in South Carolina. The first medal went to its namesake, Roger Milliken, President and Chief Executive Officer of Milliken & Company.

Champion of Excellence


The South Carolina Quality Forum will annually recognize a South Carolina resident, or former resident, who

has helped facilitate an organization's quest for excellence.  Every organization that travels the difficult path toward

excellence has an individual that was the sparkplug.  This person was able to ignite the desire in others for the

unending quest for quality.  This person was the change-agent and champion of people development.  

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© 2016 South Carolina Quality Forum

Our Mission: To improve the competitiveness and performance of organizations operating within South Carolina.


Our Vision: To be the partner of choice for performance excellence in every sector of the economy in South Carolina.

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