South Carolina Quality Forum

South Carolina Excellence!
The Board of Examiners is comprised of leading business, health care, government and education experts selected from all across the state. Examiners must take part in a preparation course based upon the Criteria, the scoring system and the examination process. Examiners must have time available during the period of March to August to attend the preparation course, conduct reviews and possibly participate in site visits.
Benefits of Being An Examiner
An individual benefits by strengthening your ability to use the Baldrige Criteria for performance excellence and organizational development, networking with peers, and enhancing your own professional growth. Examiners have the opportunity to review applications from leading organizations across South Carolina, and may participate in site visit reviews of the highest scoring applicants. Additionally, Examiners have the priviledge of writing feedback reports to applicants, and attending the annual presentation of the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award made by the Governor.
Organizational Benefits
Examiners receive valuable training and experience in understanding and applying the Baldrige criteria to a variety of organizations, including business, government, education and healthcare. They develop analytical, consensus-building, and systems perspective skills that can be applied in their home organizations.
Composition of the Board of Examiners
The South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award program depends entirely upon a volunteer Board of Examiners and Judges who evaluate candidate organizations and recommend award recipients. Examiners are selected from manufacturing, service, education, healthcare, government agencies, non-profit, and other business organizations.
Role of the Board of Examiners
Examiners and Senior Examiners review, comment on, and score written applications. Some Examiners participate in consensus evaluations and site visits led by Senior Examiners, and some prepare feedback reports to applicants. Judges review Examiner scores, select applicants for consensus reviews and site visits, review site visit reports, and make award recommendations. The Judges rely on Examiner and Senior Examiner reports during their reviews. Members of the Board may also contribute to the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award program through outreach and educational activities.
Time Commitment & Expenses
Examiners contribute significant time and effort to the South Carolina Governor’s Quality Award program. Ten days or more a year can be expected. The commitment depends on the number of applications reviewed and whether the Examiner participates in a site visit. Expenses are normally supported by an examiner’s employer and the organization obtaining the site visit. Typical time requirements include: required attendance at an Examiner Preparation Course, 20 to 40 hours for consensus review and, if necessary, site visit participation.
Becoming An Examiner (Selection Process)
Examiners are selected by the South Carolina Quality Forum on a competitive basis.
Factors considered in selection are:
Expertise in manufacturing, healthcare, education, government, and business management
Knowledge of continuous improvement strategies leading to performance excellence
Written and verbal communication skills
Leadership and interpersonal skills
Education and training achievement
Sector coverage and balance for the entire board
After completing 20 to 40 hours of prework, all Examiners participate in a challenging and rewarding preparation course using a fictitious case study.
The course includes:
A detailed review of the Criteria and scoring system
Three stages of the review process, including independent review, consensus review and site visits
The Rules of Conduct and the Code of Ethical Standards
Written and verbal communication skills
The classes also provide an excellent opportunity to meet other experts who are serving as Examiners.
Examiner Appointments
Examiners and Senior Examiners are appointed for a one-year term. Examiners may reapply for additional service. Each year approximately one-third of the members of the Board of Examiners are new appointees.
View our Examiner Application Form and Examiner Reference Form or request a hard copy by e-mailing us.
Phone: (803) 535-5793
Examiner Applications are being accepted NOW!
Examiner Application (pdf)
Reference Form (pdf)
Application Form
Reference Form