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SC Quality Forum Award Levels

Important Note: a company does not have to follow the progression from Bronze Achiever to the top award.  The level of award is fully dependent on the organization's current quality management systems and level of maturity.

SC Governor's Quality Award

The S.C. Governor's Quality Award is the highest award level that can be achieved in the State.  This level of achievement is required to continue on your journey to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Gold Achiver Award

The Gold Achiever Award is a prestigious award that shows a company has made consideralbe progress towards the State's highest quality award.

Silver Achiever Award

The Silver Achiever Award is another prestigious award that shows a company has made significant progress towards the State's highest quality award.

Bronze Achiever Award

The Brone Achiever Award is an award that shows a company has made significant progress towards their company's quality journey.

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© 2016 South Carolina Quality Forum

Our Mission: To improve the competitiveness and performance of organizations operating within South Carolina.


Our Vision: To be the partner of choice for performance excellence in every sector of the economy in South Carolina.

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