South Carolina Quality Forum

South Carolina Excellence!

Created by Congress in 1987, the Baldrige Program helps organizations improve and succeed in the competitive global marketplace. It is the only public-private partnership dedicated to improving U.S. organizations. In collaboration with the greater Baldrige community, the Baldrige Program offers a systems approach to organizational excellence, award-winning leadership development, self-assessment tools, organizational assessments by teams of trained experts, presentations and workshops on how to improve, and conferences and other events that showcase best management practices.
Baldrige National Program in South Carolina
5 South Carolina applicants for the Baldrige Award.
1 South Carolina award applicant in 2012 represents 944 jobs, 1 work location, $330 million in revenue/budget, and over 42,000 customers served.
Baldrige examiners from South Carolina volunteered over $151,000 in services in 2014 alone.
South Carolina National Award Recipient
Milliken & Company (Spartanburg)
Sample Achievements by Baldrige Organizations
Increase in net operating margin from 5.98% in 2007 to 7.39% in 2009, exceeding that of AA-rated hospitals and representing top-decile performance in the industry (Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital).
Decrease in average door-to-doctor time in emergency from 45 minutes in 2008 to 22 minutes in 2012, well below the California benchmark of 58 minutes (Sutter Davis Hospital).
Patient satisfaction at or above the national 90th percentile on Press Ganey Associates surveys for four years leading to its 2012 Baldrige Award (North Mississippi Health Services).
Despite rigorous public school graduation requirements, a 4 percent graduation rate in 2012-2013 (Pewaukee School District).
stimated cost savings of $225 million annually through time reductions resulting from process and performance improvement programs in all business lines (Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control).
Revenue growth from about $120 million in 1997 to approximately $625 million in 2009 (MEDRAD).